
         Curriculum of Thirteen Remove The Subject of       Information  Commonication and Technology Give Bad Impact for Student. 

In era technology, Education is source of progress the nation that decisive the comoetetiveness of the nation. Thus, Education sector must be constantly upgrades. One of the response should be considered on education sector is depend on development of information and technology. Based on the design of education, the government will use commonications for the future. In this case, contained in the subject of information commonication and technology(ICT). It feels so ironic if lesson of ICT removed from curriculum. There are 3 bad impact for student.
First, Indonesia students would be very lagging in the field of ICT compared with students from other countries . In fact, compared with other countries Indonesia still lags from other natioj in the utilization of information technology learning process. The development of students learning shuold be always in line with development of method and approach learning by teacher and school. Thus, the utilization of ICT more up in the learning is a reality who has lived inthe course of education in this nation. Based on education, necessary a breakthrough to resolve the problem of mastery ICT. 
Next the knowledge about access information and subject supporters data more reduce. As we know, a lesson of ICT has some benefit obtain by student that ; students gets basic knowledege about the way to using the computer, students are no longer to performing tasks with typewriter, students more creative to operating software to supporting tbeir lesson, for example preparing for presentation material, looking for information or data supporters science over the internet or exchange of information quickly and commonicate each ither. And ICT is the most important as the basic of stundent's development for knowledge depending of ICT at the next level or spur creativity students. Because of that, a young generation needed sufficient mastery of technology, because a lot of activities that will be dependent on ICT. 
And then, The student's creativity in the field of computer is not running well . In this condition, to improve life quality more demand of student to do a variety of activities that are needed to optimizing resources that they have. Development of ICT so fast indirectly student use ICT in many activities. In the implemantation, student often find combination of technology audio or video, audio or data, video or data and internet. Internet means is cheap commonication where enable the interaction between two person or more. So that, learning proces can be more optimally interesting and encourage students to creative in commonication and accostume to work together. 
In summarize, there are three bad impacts for student. First, Indonesia students would be very lagging in the field of ICT compared with students from other countries . Next the knowledge about access information and subject supporters data more reduce.And then, The student's creativity in the field of computer is not running well . 

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